Protect and Serve
I wish to state emphatically from the beginning that the following remarks are not a critique of Law Enforcement or First Responders. We are indeed fortunate to have individuals who courageously address urgent crises and offer aid to those in need. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that until such help arrives, individuals are on their own.
When the preservation of life is at stake during a critical situation, what actions will you take? Is it sufficient to delegate your safety solely by dialing 9-1-1, or is there more you can do? While emergency services are vital, their response time is a factor. It’s crucial to consider what you can do to protect yourself and ensure your survival until help arrives. This is the essential question that demand reflection.
Don't Believe the Hype!
By pausing our rapid thoughts and setting aside our assumptions. If we carefully contemplate our anticipated reactions, we might discern that the motto “Protect and Serve” doesn’t fully capture the essence of crisis management. This is because there is a profound difference between responding to an emergency and preventing one from happening in the first place.
Confronting reality, when you require assistance, it signifies that the situation is critical, and you are at the epicenter. You become the pivotal element in mitigating the crisis’s impact. The resources at your immediate disposal are what you must rely on in that crucial moment.
The critical inquiry is: Do you have readily available tools to assist you while awaiting help? Have you established contingency plans? Are you prepared with actions to take if assistance fails to arrive? What is your alternative strategy, your Plan B, C, and/or D? Think it through… can you see it?
The Dilemma of Reliance
The sole reliance on external aid is a dilemma. Often people shy away from engaging with hypothetical scenarios or potential risks because they demand rigorous thought. Critical thinking can be challenging, uncomfortable, or even overwhelming for some. As a result, rather than confronting these issues head-on, many prefer to deflect responsibility, effectively outsourcing it. This avoidance can lead to scapegoating, where the burden of accountability is passed to others in the event of a crisis.
1. I recommend starting with a comprehensive assessment of your assets and facilities [skills inventory] and crafting a detailed home defense strategy. This involves a thorough evaluation of your current skill set, including the training you’ve undergone, the abilities you’ve developed, and the core principles you’ve mastered. Reflect on whether these skills are honed, waning, or lying dormant. Consider your physical strengths and any limitations, as well as the practical knowledge and skills you possess at this moment. Think about how you would apply them in an emergency. Ensure that all household members are informed about the defense plan, verify its feasibility, keep it current, and conduct regular practice drills.
2. My second recommendation is to conduct asset mapping, which involves strategically organizing essential resources. The effectiveness of tools is contingent upon their suitability for the task, their accessibility, and the user’s knowledge of their location and operation.
3. Thirdly, I advise engaging in thorough research [data mining]. Seek out pertinent information to understand the essentials of an effective home defense plan. Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and ensure you are well-versed in their application. Regularly exercise, train, and practice these skills, and periodically review and refine your plan to guarantee its strength, tactical viability, and practicality.
In moments dire, when needs arise, not the hour to seek, nor to surmise. Tools at hand, in order prime, ready to serve, at the drop of a dime. Outsourcing woes, a feigned escape, a gambler’s toss, fate left to shape. Stand firm, stand true, your duty calls, for in your hands, your safety falls. You are the guardian, first to the scene, in crises’ clutch, on you they lean. Abdication not, but courage’s sponsor, for you, my friend, are your own first responder. ~ David Mitchell, Sr.
The emphasis here is: The importance of being prepared and self-reliant, especially in times of crisis.
Panic Mode
The Cambridge Dictionary Online describes “panic” as the sudden, strong feeling of anxiety or fear that prevents reasonable thought and action and may spread to influence many people.”
The Merriam–Webster Dictionary says, “panic” implies unreasonable and overmastering fear causing hysterical activity.” For instance: “A person panicked when a mouse scurried across the floor and jumped out of their third story apartment window to safety.” Another example just as harrowing: “A person, while trying to escape a burning building, instead of running to the nearest exit they ran into a utility closet to get away from the smoke and flames.”
“Panic is a natural human response when no other facilities are available to call upon.” Panic will strongly influence unsound decision-making and lead to disastrous action.
It’s common to assume that we would handle challenging situations better than others, but such confidence may not be well-founded unless supported by our lifestyle or experience. Believing otherwise is often a fallacy. Despite our general belief in a superior response, data shows that panic often leads to self-inflicted harm or collateral damage, rather than resolving the crisis at hand. Without a lifestyle that incorporates some level of preparedness or training to foster a rational response, one is left with nothing but an empty cupboard!
Cupboard Empty? There Is Hope... Stay In The Fight!
In the face of a crisis, the readiness and resources at one’s disposal can indeed dictate the range of possible actions. It’s a stark reminder of the importance of preparation and the development of self-reliance. When the unexpected strikes, and the metaphorical cupboard is found bare, it can lead to a paralyzing sense of helplessness.
However, even in such dire circumstances, there remains a beacon of hope. It lies in the human capacity for resilience and adaptability. The ability to improvise, to find innovative solutions in the absence of conventional aids, becomes invaluable. It’s a call to action for proactive learning, for equipping oneself with knowledge and skills that can be summoned in any situation.
This message serves as an enthusiastic encouragement to embrace preparedness, to invest in oneself, and to cultivate a mindset that looks beyond reliance on external help. It’s about transforming the empty cupboard’ into a wellspring of personal capability that stands ready for any challenge. And indeed, why wait? The time to start is now, to ensure that when the spotlight falls upon us, we are not caught unawares but are ready to perform with confidence and competence.
Personal preparedness is a crucial aspect of safety and survival in unexpected situations. Acquiring the skills and knowledge to act effectively as a first responder to personal emergencies can significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome. Training in basic first aid, emergency response, and situational awareness is invaluable and widely accessible through various community programs, online courses, and local workshops.
It’s important to remember that while certain events may seem unlikely, being equipped with the right tools and knowledge can empower individuals to handle a wide range of scenarios with confidence. Preparedness is not about living in fear; it’s about having the competence to face challenges head-on, ensuring that one can protect oneself and assist others in times of need. It’s a proactive step towards personal resilience, a strong family, and a cohesive community.
Plan * Train * Practice
While no one can, with pinpoint accuracy, detail how they will actually respond to an actual critical event or situation, there are three things that everyone can do to prepare; let’s break down these three keys:
1. Develop A Plan
- Having a well-thought-out plan is crucial. Consider various scenarios: home invasion, natural disasters, or even an active shooter situation.
- Identify safe areas, escape routes, and communication methods. Discuss the plan with family members or close friends.
- Regularly review and update your plan as circumstances change.
2. Seek Training
- Training is essential for effective response. Seek professional guidance from experts in self-defense, situational awareness, and emergency preparedness.
- Firearms training, first aid, and self-defense courses can equip you with valuable skills.
- Remember that training isn’t a one-time event, ongoing practice and refreshers are vital.
3. Stay Practiced
- ‘Consistent practice ensures that your skill remain sharp. Regularly rehearse your plan and practice relevant techniques.
- Familiarize yourself with your tools (whether it’s a firearm, pepper spray, or other self-defense tools)
- Mental rehearsal is equally important – visualize how you’d respond in different scenarios.
When Help Is Late; It Means, You Are On Your Own!
We are our own first responders. When faced with critical incidents, the initial moments matter most, and relying on external help can be too late. Here’s a concise summary:
1. Personal Responsibility
- We cannot outsource our safety or well-being. Each of us bears the responsibility to act as the first responder in our own crises.
- Waiting for external assistance is not a viable strategy during critical incidents.
2. Timeliness of Emergency Aid
- Emergency responders arrive after the fact-where the incident has already occurred
- In those crucial moments, we must rely on our own preparedness and training.
3. Self
- Developing skills, having a plan, and staying practiced are essential.
- Being our own first responders empower us to protect ourselves and those we care about.
This is a critical perspective. Do not just think it through; Do something about it. Call yourself to action! Seek the necessary training. Make a decision. Do it today! You will be glad you did, and so will those that love and depend on you, too! I hope for all who will read this commentary will find it useful information that will motivate them to action and find joy and experience the peace in having done so. Best to you on your several journey’s. Stay strong, stay safe, and stay prepared.